Car radio connection: Identify the colors of the car radio wires
of reading - words
The easiest way to fit your new car stereo is to go to your nearest garage and ask for it to be fitted . However, if you don't feel like spending the money, you can do it yourself .
This is why we have concocted this article for you in order to better be able to help you with the installation of your car radio.
Install a car radio with or without a pigtail
If you are in possession of a car radio with a pigtail, you will only need to check the list in the next section of this article to understand what each wire in the car does.
If you don't have a pigtail, the best option is to find an adapter specifically designed to connect the host to your car make and model.
List of standard car radio wires with their colors
- Constant 12V / Standby Memory: Yellow
- Accessory: Red
- Dimmer/Lighting: Orange with white stripe
- Floor: black
- Front right speaker(+): Gray
- Right front speaker(-): Gray with black stripe
- Left front speaker(+): White
- Left front speaker(-): White with black stripe
- Right rear speaker(+): Purple
- Right rear speaker(-): Purple with black stripe
- Left rear speaker (+): Green
- Left rear speaker(-): Green with black stripe
- Antenna: blue
- Amplifier : Blue with white stripe
Using a car radio adapter harness
Although most people follow the coloring scheme mentioned above, it is much easier to install the car stereo if you have a harness adapter .
The reason they are so useful is that although the inlet and outlet of aftermarket car stereos are the same as the factory stereo they replace, they are not all in one place.
At Autoradio-Boutique , almost all of our car radios are supplied with this system.
What to do if you can't find a compatible adapter for your car radio?
If you can't find this adapter, all you have to do is use method one , which is to connect the wires one by one.
If this is the case and you do not have the pigtail supplied with the device, you must replace the pigtail manually and complete the wiring process. Connect it to each pin on the back of the host.